Hispanics to Spend $500 Million on Mobile Apps in 2012

Hispanics to Spend $500 Million on Mobile Apps in 2012

APRIL 30, 2012

Hispanics are early technology adopters, with high spending expected on devices and content

Hispanics are early adopters of both tablets and smartphones, and also more likely than whites to go online using mobile devices. All of that activity will add up to a sizeable pile of cash for device retailers and app stores in 2012. According to December 2011 research by advisory firm Zpryme, adult US Hispanics will spend $17.6 billion on mobile tech devices in 2012, a 30% increase over the previous year. It also estimates that Hispanics will spend $501.1 million on mobile apps by the end of the year.

Smartphone penetration was 51.5% among the survey group, which was comprised almost entirely of mobile owners (just 6.1% said they had no mobile phone). This is slightly higher than eMarketer’s estimated 46.9% smartphone penetration for Hispanic mobile users as of the end of 2011. Also, 19% of those polled owned tablets, higher than eMarketer’s estimate of 12.6% for the same period. The high adoption rates for smartphones and tablets among Hispanics are likely due to the fact that they are on average a young group, and more likely to use mobile devices instead of landlines.


Mobile Devices Owned by US Hispanic Consumers, Dec 2011 (% of respondents)


Smartphones were at the top of the list of new mobile devices respondents said they planned to buy over the next six months, at 24%. Another 18% said they planned to purchase a tablet. Top activities performed on a tablet included gaming, search and email. Games were also the leading category of mobile app purchased by Hispanics; according to the poll, nearly half of respondents had bought a mobile gaming app.

Social networking, the fourth leading tablet activity among Hispanics, was the No. 2 online activity overall for the group, and Facebook was the favorite destination.


Social Networks Used by US Hispanic Consumers, Dec 2011 (% of respondents)


Twitter was a distant second at 29%, followed by Myspace at 23%. Hispanics are more active on social media than US internet users overall, suggesting there is plenty of potential for marketers to target them on social networks.


About Mingle Media

Mingle Media is a start-up firm offering one stop solution to all of your marketing needs.

At Mingle we work hard to be one of the most results-oriented advertising agencies in Canada.

Our dedicated advertising and marketing team at Mingle Media, is a specialized task force of seasoned advertising professionals whose aim is to increase how effectively you advertise and promote your business across all your media channels. Each member comes from their own area of expertise, from strategic and business planning through to creative concept, copywriting, design and implementation.

To do so we approach your market with a curious mind, and a deep desire to understand your business the way you do. With fresh eyes we’ll look at your business model and market, and find new ways to make your communications across all your chosen media more creatively and strategically effective.

Our dedicated interactive development team at our Toronto office will create a Web presence that works hard for your business, and integrates into the rest of your communications and marketing plan. Our team includes designers, writers, programmers, IT staff and search engine experts. They are backed by a team of strong marketers, project managers and researchers.

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